Friday, July 17, 2020

How Generalized Anxiety Disorder Affects Relationships

How Generalized Anxiety Disorder Affects Relationships GAD Coping Print Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Your Relationships By Arlin Cuncic Arlin Cuncic, MA, is the author of Therapy in Focus: What to Expect from CBT for Social Anxiety Disorder and 7 Weeks to Reduce Anxiety. Learn about our editorial policy Arlin Cuncic Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on March 10, 2017 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on November 25, 2019 Generalized Anxiety Disorder Overview Symptoms & Diagnosis Causes Treatment Living With In Children Carey Kirkella/The Image Bank/Getty Images Individuals with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) are known to experience impairment in various aspects of their lives, including relationships with relatives, friends, and partners.?? If you live with GAD, you may be prone to marital distress and be at greater risk of divorce.?? More so, problems in your relationships could spell trouble in terms of treatmentâ€"those with impairments in these areas generally dont respond as well to treatment over the long term. While you may worry a lot about your family, friends, coworkers, and others,  you may use negative strategies to cope with this worry. Over time, this can erode the very relationships you are working so hard to maintain. Common Relationship Problems for People With Generalized Anxiety Disorder Overall, common problems people with generalized anxiety disorder may experience include: Having few  relationshipsHaving difficulty attending to others needs (because you are too wrapped up in your own anxiety)Difficulty expressing how you are feelingFeeling fearful or defensive in romantic relationshipsAvoiding doing things with others out of fear (e.g., going on a vacation, trying something new)Having  trouble feeling joy and happiness with others (because you are worried all the time)Being  impatient with othersFeeling suspicious or lacking self-confidence;  checking up on others too frequently;  needing reassurance from othersBeing irritable with others or overly critical of themOverreacting to situations and making others feel uncomfortableHaving a tendency to end  relationships out of fearFeeling dependent on or clingy toward  othersFeeling insecure, which leads to  fear and doubt about others intentions Tips to Overcome GAD Issues in Relationships You can teach yourself to avoid relationship problems by doing the following: Practice living in the moment by taking a course in mindfulnessTake a mindfulness break before voicing an anxious thoughtAllow yourself to be uncomfortable when you know anxiety is holding you back if it is stopping you from spending time doing things you want to do with friends, relatives, or romantic partners. The uncomfortable feelings will lessen the more you face these situations.Do something with others that makes you laugh to relieve anxietyGo easy on other people when you feel anxiety is controlling your behaviorTalk about problems instead of remaining silent and letting your anxiety spiral out of controlTake the perspective of your friends, relatives, and significant other and understand their behavior from their point of viewTell others about your diagnosis of GAD  if your behavior has had an effect on themThink twice before burning a bridge with someone; is anxiety fueling your behavior?Ask those around you for their supportSeek the help of a therapist if you have not alre ady done soBuild your communication skills by taking courses or reading self-help books Research on GAD and Relationships Childrens Friendships and GAD In  a 2011 study of the interpersonal functioning of children (aged 6 to 13) with GAD (compared to those with SAD and controls), It was found that although kids with GAD had relatively few friends, they were just as likely as kids without the  disorder to have a best friend and take part in groups and clubs, and had similar ratings of social competence by their parents.?? This indicates  that generalized anxiety disorder in childhood is not necessarily related to problems in relationships with friends. More so, it suggests that problems in the relationships of adults with GAD are the result of poor coping strategies that evolve over timeâ€"and that could be reversed. Marriage and GAD A 2007 study about generalized anxiety disorder and entry into marriage/long-term partner relationships using data from the National Comorbidity Survey (NCS) showed that those with GAD were just as likely to enter into marriage.?? This suggests that people with GAD are not impaired in finding a mate, but may struggle later with marital problems. If you are married with GAD, anticipate that there may be struggles in your relationship and that couples therapy may be of help. A 2011 study found a correlation between anxiety in married women and their relationships with their husbands. In fact, the study authors noted, the women tended to feel their husbands played some part in their anxiety by either making it worse or making it better.?? Interaction  Styles of People With GAD In a 2011 study of case histories of individuals receiving psychotherapy for GAD, how people displayed their worries varied depending on how they interacted with others.?? The researchers discovered four interactive styles among those with GAD: IntrusiveColdNonassertiveExploitable Each of these styles manifested their worries in different ways. For example,  a person who was worried about the safety of someone might call that person every five minutes (intrusive) while someone else might say nothing and silently worry themselves sick (nonassertive).?? This means that  the same worry can affect relationships in different ways and therapy for generalized anxiety disorder should target these different styles of interacting. A Word From Verywell GAD can affect relationships in different ways. If you are experiencing distress in relationships with friends, family, or a significant other, know that its normal and that research has been done on the connection. If it is impairing your daily functioning, seek the help of your family doctor or mental health professional to determine the best course of action in the context of your GAD diagnosis.  Learning how to cope positively will benefit both you and your relationships in the long run.

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